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3 Things To Do If You Are Experiencing Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

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If you are experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, you need to be proactive about protecting yourself and about documenting and calling attention to what is happening. Here are three things that you need to do if you are being harassed in your workplace in a sexual manner. #1 Make Your Stance Clear To The Harasser The first thing that you need to do is make it clear to the person who is harassing you that you do not appreciate their words or behavior.…

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Why Alimony in Florida Is Like the Lottery

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There are some slightly more unique laws governing alimony in Florida. While one spouse can still seek alimony from the other (as in other states), divorcing Floridians can seek long term and permanent alimony payments. Other special alimony laws relate to lump sum payments and rehabilitative payments. Then there is the factor of what the judge deems fit, so that the alimony awarded (when it is awarded) is a lot like winning the lottery.…

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Concerned About Your Elderly Parents? 4 Signs They May Need a Guardian

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If your aging parents are no longer able to properly care for themselves, it might be time to step in. It might be difficult for them to acknowledge that they need help with their own care, especially when they’re so used to being independent. However, if your parents need help, and they’re not willing—or able—to ask for it themselves, it’s time speak to an attorney about guardianship. If you’re not sure that your parents need that type of intervention, here are four signs that will help you make that determination.…

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