When you pay your insurance premiums every month, you expect your insurance company to cover you if something happens. Unfortunately, they don’t always do so. Here are some of the problems you might encounter, and why you should work with a personal injury lawyer to head them off.
Having To Pay Your Deductible
Your deductible is basically the amount your insurance company will never cover after an accident. Even if you’re not at fault, your agreement with your insurance company says you pay your deductible before they provide coverage.…
It’s no secret that the Social Security Administration (SSA) turns down many applicants for benefits. When you are unable to work because of a medical condition, your financial situation can worsen rapidly. Once you get your denial, it’s important that you understand your rights to an appeal and your rights to use a Social Security attorney at the appeal. Read on to learn more about how to get affordable legal help with your Social Security case.…
If you have scheduled an appointment with a divorce lawyer, you should prepare for the meeting properly. Thorough preparation will help you get the maximum benefit of the lawyer’s skills and experience right from the initial meeting. Here are some of the preparations tips that will help:
Confirm You Really Want a Divorce
It is a waste of resources to hire a divorce attorney just to threaten your spouse. What if you file for divorce as a threat and then your partner takes it seriously?…