How To Increase Your Odds Of Winning Joint Custody

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Going through a divorce is never easy, but when you also have children, you don’t want to lose precious time with them. Most parents want what’s best for their kids, and co-parenting through joint custody can offer stability both in the short and long run. If you’re looking for ways to increase your odds of getting joint custody, remember these general rules. Move to the Same School District If your children have reached school age or they’re close to it, and you’re the one moving out, pick a house or apartment within the same school district.…

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Can Statements You Make To Police While Intoxicated Be Used Against You?

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It’s standard procedure for police to ask people questions when they pull them over for DUIs. If you were intoxicated when the arrest occurred, though, you may be wondering if it’s legal for the police or prosecuting attorney to use your statements against you in court. It depends on the circumstances of arrest and the laws in your state. Here’s what you need to know. Involuntary Confessions In most jurisdictions, statements made while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is still admissible in court.…

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Planning Holiday Parties At Your Home This Year? How To Protect Yourself Against Personal Injury Claims

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If you’re going to be throwing holiday parties this year, you need to make sure that you’re not setting yourself up for a personal injury claim. You never know when someone is going to injure themselves on your property. When they do, you may spend the rest of the holiday season looking at a lawsuit for those injuries. This is particularly true if you knew about the hazards on your property, and did nothing about them.…

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