Did You Get Involved In A Car Accident? 4 Reasons Why You Need A Lawyer

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Car accidents often cause emotional and physical trauma. If you have been involved in an accident, though no fault of your own, seeking the help of a lawyer would be a wise move. If you are wondering why you should make such a move when you already have an insurance company to handle such issues, below are four reasons why hiring a lawyer is necessary.  To Handle the Insurance Companies …

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What Determines Which Creditors Will Be Paid Through Chapter 13?

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Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a common form of bankruptcy used by wage earners. It is essentially a repayment plan that allows you to keep your property, unlike Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, you might wonder which creditors you will pay under Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This is something you should ask your attorney about to know the specifics, but there are some general guidelines that are followed. Establishing Your Repayment Plan Before your repayment plan is determined, you will need to meet with your creditors.…

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Determining the Veracity of a Telemarketer Abuse Claim

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Many people are often left unaware that robot calling is illegal as stated in the Telephone Consumer Protection Act that addresses telemarketer abuse. Consumers who receive automated telemarketing calls without their consent can sue the caller for telemarketer abuse and receive a small compensation. The TCPA prohibits companies, debt collectors, and banks from calling consumers without express consent. The penalty for violating the stipulations varies for every automated phone call a consumer receives.…

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