If you were hurt by a dog, you may be considering a lawsuit to cover your damages. If you had your own dog with you and it was attacked by another dog, you can also recover damages for your dog’s injuries. Most dog bites are covered by the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance, but there can be some issues when it comes to receiving compensation. Here are some questions you may have:…
Unnecessary treatments, such as placing an elderly individual in the intensive care unit at the end of their life or prescribing medication for the wrong reasons, can cause pain, exhaustion, and suffering to patients. Unfortunately, this practice is common in some nursing homes and long-term care facilities. If you or your relatives are victims of such a treatment, you may have a case for abuse. A personal injury attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve and hold the caretakers accountable for their actions.…
Your business probably does a lot of business with your customer base, but chances are good that you do business with other companies, too. For example, you might purchase inventory and equipment from vendors, and you might have contracts with other companies that provide your business with professional services. You might have worked with lawyers for other things in the past, but you might have never worked with a corporate lawyer before.…