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How To Make An Association Agreement As Enforceable As Possible

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One of the biggest worries an association often has is that some part of its agreement with homeowners won’t be enforceable. If a small crack in the agreement can be exploited, it can create trouble as other parties start to insist upon doing things outside the framework. Here are four things an association attorney will tell you to try to make your agreements as enforceable as possible. Painfully Specific Among the simplest of legal arguments a homeowner might use is that some element of the agreement wasn’t specific.…

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When Do You Need A DUI Attorney?

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According to the United States Department of Transportation, there were more than 1.4 million DUI arrests in 2010, making it one of the highest arrest rates among all major crimes. Yet, many people arrested for DUI wonder if they need a DUI attorney to represent them when the time comes to go to court. The answer to any questions related to whether you need a DUI law firm to represent you is an emphatic and resounding, “…

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Settling An Auto Accident Claim

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Your life can be changed in the blink of an eye when you are involved in a car wreck. The injuries that result from a collision can leave you facing a recovery that is long and difficult as well as a considerable financial burden. As the shock from the accident starts to wear off, you will need to start taking the necessary steps to get your life back on track. These steps may include taking legal action against the person responsible for the accident if their actions that led to the collision were negligent.…

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