A wrongful death attorney is one that specializes in claims filed because of an injury or accident that resulted in a death. These claims are filed on behalf of the survivors of those who have died, usually their immediate family members. Not every death would be grounds for a lawsuit but there are certain circumstances that would require or call for the services of a wrongful death attorney; consider three of those here.…
Losing your job can cause your finances to spiral out of control. What might have been affordable a few weeks ago is now a struggle to pay. Since the job market is tough, you might not be able to get a job making what you once did. As much as you are trying to do what you can, you simply cannot continue to go on like this. If you are tired of the never-ending pile of debt and need answers, you can turn to one of the options below to help you take back control of your finances.…
If you think it is easy to prosecute a super-villain, think again. While Spider-Man comic books and films “throw the book” at super-villains rather cavalierly, real-life prosecutions of Dr. Octopus or the Green Goblin would be much harder. Simply put, Spider-Man’s methods make the job of a criminal defense attorney a lot easier.
The Classic Spider-Man “Web and Note” Ploy
Spider-Man has a classic modus operandi consistently repeated when he captures villains.…