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Tips for Claiming Damages for Your Back Injury After an Accident

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If you have been in a car accident when you were not at fault and your back in injured, you are likely very frustrated. Your mobility is probably severely limited by pain, which will keep you from doing your favorite activities and if you work a manual job, will keep you from going to work and making money. It could cause you to lose your job. Here are some tips for claiming damages effectively after your accident in a personal injury case so that you can get the money that you need to heal and fully recover your life.

1. Pay Attention to the Statute of Limitations

Your first step is to pay close attention to the statute of limitations on your case. You want to make sure that you initiate the case as soon as possible in order to make sure that this time doesn't pass and you are no longer eligible for a personal injury case.

2. Track Your Pain

In order to successfully sue the person that hit your car and claim damages, you will need to show that you have been clearly harmed by the accident and that this harm goes beyond the damage to your car. You will want to show that your back pain is affecting your ability to live each day. You can do this by tracking your general pain levels when you wake up, two or three times during the day, and when you go to sleep.

Make a note of when you take your pain medication. Take this information with you to the doctor that will be performing your independent examination as a form of proof that you are truly experiencing the pain that you describe. Do not exaggerate your pain. If you accurately represent how greatly your life is impacted by your back pain caused by your injury, you will be most likely to be successful in a personal injury incident.

3. Have a Clear Log of Days Missed

Finally, be sure that you have a clear log of days missed from work as a result of your injury. This will allow you to make sure that you get the money that you subsequently lost as a result of your injury. Get an estimate from your doctor so that you can get money for days that you will miss in the future.

For more information, talk to law services like Gelman Gelman Wiskow & McCarthy LLC.
