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What's The Difference Between No-Fault Suing Thresholds?

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You are required to have at least no-fault auto insurance and personal injury protection if you live in a no-fault state. If you have a car accident, it is the law that you must file a claim with your insurance company. In some cases of severe injury, you can sue in court. This is called the tort liability threshold. Threshold here means conditions relating to how severe your injury is. The verbal and monetary thresholds stem from the limited tort threshold.…

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Can't Pay a Civil Lawsuit Judgment & Not Sure What Will Happen? Consider Filing Bankruptcy

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If you’ve been ordered by a court to pay a civil lawsuit judgment yet don’t have the financial means to do so, you may want to consider filing for bankruptcy. The ramifications of not paying a civil lawsuit judgment can cause your financial situation to be far worse than it is right now. Here’s what could happen and how filing a bankruptcy can help.  Two Things that May Happen if You Don’t Pay the Judgment…

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Can You Include PTSD To Your Personal Injury Damages?

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PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, causes depression and anxiety for those who have endured a traumatic and scary experience. PTSD can be caused by a number of events, including a negligent injury. An injury can only make PTSD worse in many cases. If you experience PTSD symptoms and think your injury has made your condition worse, you need to know the following: How Does Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Personal Injury Go Hand in Hand?…

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