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Do You Have Any Defense Against A DUI Charge?

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Driving under the influence (DUI) is a common and serious offense that can harm not only your life but also others on the road. While DUI charges can vary based on the jurisdiction, most carry hefty fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment. But do you know that you might have a defense against DUI charges?  Lack of Probable Cause  One of the most common defenses against a DUI charge is a lack of probable cause.…

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Sick Of Your Ex Refusing To Pay Your Kids' Medical Bills? Here Are 4 Options

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No parent should get stuck paying 100% of their kids’ expenses alone if the other parent is obligated to help. If your ex is refusing to pay their fair share, it’s time to take action. Otherwise, you may end up drowning in medical debt for bills that you shouldn’t even have to pay. Many family law attorneys deal with this issue regularly and can help you find a solution. Here are four possible solutions a team of family lawyers may recommend.…

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Fathers' Rights In Child Custody Cases

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Children need both parents. Yet, too often, scorned exes and archaic court systems limit fathers from time with their children (without minimizing the child support). Some fathers meekly go along with the agreement, while others fight. Learn more about fathers’ rights in child custody cases below.  Paternal Custody Facts and Figures  When you know the current facts, you will have a better idea of what you’re up against as a father in a child custody case.…

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